Our ambition for Dyneema®

We have a responsibility to all our stakeholders – from customers and end-users to society at large – to ensure Dyneema® has a minimal impact on our planet. So we’ve set ourselves an ambitious challenge: to develop sustainable solutions for Dyneema® and reduce our carbon footprint in every aspect of our business operations. 

We’re working to deliver end-to-end lifetime sustainability. That means full circularity and an infinite lifetime for Dyneema® products. But we know that achieving our goal won’t be easy. That’s why our value-chain partners are integral to our objectives – because together, we can turn our circular vision into a reality.

Responsible sourcing

Our sustainability ambitions start with responsible sourcing and our transition to using cleaner, greener feedstock. For Dyneema®, that means identifying renewable, bio-based feedstock – without disrupting essential economic systems, such as the food value chain. With two frontrunning renewable HMPE products: bio-based Dyneema® fiber and recycled-based Dyneema® fiber. 

Bio-based Dyneema® fiber

In line with our commitment towards a more sustainable future, we've developed the first-ever bio-based ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber. Sourced from renewable, bio-based feedstock, our newest innovation in fiber technology uses the mass balance approach to help further reduce our reliance on fossil fuel-based resources. 

Our innovative solution is ISCC certified and boasts a 90% lower carbon footprint than generic HMPE with comparable performance. 

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Recycled-based Dyneema® fiber

We’ve launched exciting pilot projects to produce recycled-based Dyneema® from chemically mixed plastic household waste. In fact, this represented an important milestone in our circularity ambitions.

Working with like-minded manufacturers and underpinned by the ISCC-certified mass balance approach, we’re trialing our solution across a diverse range of applications – from sailing ropes to fishing gear.

This important breakthrough is thanks to our longstanding collaboration with our partner SABIC. This leading chemical company will provide the feedstock, circular ethylene, for the production of recycled-based Dyneema®.

And there’s more: we’re now working together to increase volumes of circular ethylene feedstock to drive future production.

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Responsible manufacturing

The steps we’re taking to lower the environmental footprint of our manufacturing activities help to minimize the footprint of Dyneema® over the product life cycle. These improvements then pass along to our customers – helping them reduce their Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

What we've achieved so far

Renewable products

We’ve launched bio-based Dyneema® fiber and recycled-based Dyneema®.

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Cleaner manufacturing

We’ve already hit our 2030 target to power Dyneema® sites with > 75% renewable electricity. We reduced our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by more than 50% from 2016 to 2021.

Sustainable partnerships

We’ve developed premium manufacturing partnerships with like-minded fabric mills around the world that can help us build a more sustainable value chain.

Consistent excellence

As we reduce our environmental footprint, we continue to ensure our customers and end-users receive the same levels of quality, consistency, and performance from Dyneema® products – as shown by our DNV Approval of Manufacturing and Type Approval certificates.

Responsible usage

How to deliver end-to-end sustainability? By designing robust, durable, long-lasting products that stand the test of time.

For Dyneema®, designing for circularity in product usage is a step-by-step process that involves close collaboration with our customers and partners. After all, what we do sets the tone for this process across the wider value chain.

Designing for usage

Stronger = lighter material

Lightweighting is at the heart of the Dyneema® concept – in other words, using less material to achieve the same level of performance.

Lighter = less energy

Dyneema® can be used in place of materials that are heavier to transport and operate, like steel – saving energy in logistics and operations.

Durability = less consumption

We work closely with customers across multiple industries to co-engineer durable end-use product designs without compromising on safety or reliability. These products retain their key qualities for longer. And that’s a big deal – because less frequent replacement not only means less disposal and waste, but also less use of virgin materials and energy.

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Responsible end-of-life

Even the most durable products will eventually reach the end of their usable life. Achieving end-to-end sustainability means taking care of the end-of-life stage – so that we minimize Dyneema®’s impact and retain the maximum value from the resources that go into making our products.

Our end-of-life solutions fall into three core categories


We work with our customers to co-design products that are not only fit for purpose but also help extend the lifetimes of essential applications.

In rope applications, for example, we’ve developed a fatigue performance model and a temperature model that can predict and extend the use of lifting slings under particular conditions. By extending the lifetime of end products, we reduce the amount of material usage and waste. We follow an “assurance case” approach to ensure safe, reliable, and sustainable reuse.


We’re working to establish a commercial-scale recycling solution for post-production and post-consumer waste with our customers and recycling partners.

This includes exploring ways to turn end-of-life Dyneema® fiber back into its original feedstock through mechanical and chemical recycling processes. Our aim is to allow Dyneema® products to be made again and again – so they have an infinite lifetime.


We want to ensure our products are disposed of responsibly when they reach their end of life, without resorting to incineration or landfills.

We work on value chains with our customers and recycling partners to collect, sort, and prepare end-of-life products made with Dyneema® for transport and further recycling.

Of course, this process requires close collaboration – and that’s where CirculariTeam® comes in: our global cross-industry coalition consisting of partners from along the value chain.

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Bio-based Dyneema® fiber

We help our customers and end-users reduce their environmental footprint and drive circularity with bio-based Dyneema® fiber, the first ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber made with a bio-based feedstock using the mass balance approach. Our solution offers the exact same performance and specifications as conventional Dyneema® – but with a 90% lower carbon footprint than generic HMPE.

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Strengthen your business

Sustainability doesn’t just make sense for the planet; it’s also good for business. The environmental footprint and durability of Dyneema® offer commercial benefits for stakeholders throughout the value chain, from manufacturers to retailers. Find out how Dyneema® can deliver a competitive advantage for your business. 

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Circularity requires teamwork

A fully circular value chain means partners at all stages of the chain working together to drive the shift to renewable bio-based and recycle-based resources. It’s why we’ve launched CirculariTeam®: a cross-industry coalition focused on solutions for recycling and repurposing HMPE products in their respective industries.

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Powerful endorsements for our meaningful work

It’s always nice to be acknowledged – and we’re especially proud that our products and processes have been recognized by international industry benchmarks as leading the way in integrating sustainability into operations and business.
