But which ropes to choose? After weighing up the options, BW opted for Samson’s own AmSteel®-Blue mooring lines, made with Dyneema® SK78 fiber. Dyneema®, the world’s strongest fiber™, is specifically engineered to withstand the long-term load-bearing requirements of extreme applications. Better yet, it shows consistent high quality while doing so, achieving its claimed strength of 35 cN/dtex batch after batch.
Ropes made with Dyneema® SK78 fiber are typically used in applications that call for lightweight strength plus abrasion resistance, bending performance, resistance to compression fatigue, and/or resistance to creep.
Take abrasion, for example: mooring a large vessel involves running the rope through fairleads and over capstans, making it a rough, tough life for a mooring rope. External abrasion eventually degrades and breaks the fibers, but ropes containing Dyneema® SK78 fiber have a proven abrasion lifetime that’s four times longer than that of generic HMPE ropes. What’s more, applying a proprietary coating to the ropes enables even higher abrasion resistance.
In the case of BW, whose primary requirements were strength plus abrasion resistance, resistance to bending fatigue, and creep resistance, AmSteel®-Blue mooring lines made with Dyneema® SK78 fiber were the clear winner. They offer better bend fatigue characteristics than other grades of HMPE, as well as a longer service life in applications where long-term static loads can lead to rope elongation – just what BW needed.